Yujied Hats
Founded in 2015 in Italy, Yujied produces high quality handmade hats. Every Yujied hat is a unique creation curated with detail-oriented craftsmanship throughout the entire process of hat making. Yujied hats are original designed and “made in Italy by a Chinese”, while their millinery materials are carefully selected from all over the world. The multi-culture context has always been a lifestyle that Yujied feel, live and would like to share with those who love it.
品牌于2015年在意大利成立,Yujied Hats专注于制作高级手工礼帽。每一顶Yujied帽子都是一件独一无二的创作作品。对原创设计的坚持、对细节的考究和对手工艺的执着追求贯穿整个制帽过程。Yujied Hats从世界各地严选制帽材料和工具,最后融合成“一个中国人的意大利制造”;正如我们每一天所生活的多元文化的世界,Yujied Hats希望把它所经历的文化碰撞与文化融合同爱它的人分享。
Yujie Ding/丁钰洁
Yujie Ding is a Chinese milliner and fashion designer based in Italy. She graduated from University IUAV of Venice in MA Fashion Design and Theory, currently involved in PhD course at IUAV. During the year of her exchange study at Parsons School of Design, she found her passion on millinery design, learning from milliner Jasmin Zorlu and later became milliner assistant of Ryan Wilde at JJ Hat Center . Yujie's works have been worldwide exhibited in places including Hermitage Museum, London Hat Week, Pitti Uomo, Expo Milano and Kaliningrad State Art Gallery. In 2015, Yujie founded her millinery brand Yujied Hats in Italy.
高级制帽师、时尚设计师。丁钰洁毕业于威尼斯建筑大学服装设计与理论研究生院,现为在读博士。在校期间获奖学金被选送纽约帕森斯设计学院交流访问,丁钰洁师从制帽师Jasmin Zorlu,学习并开始热爱高级制帽;后于纽约JJ Hat Center担任高级制帽师Ryan Wilde的制帽助理。丁钰洁的作品曾在圣彼得堡埃尔米塔日博物馆、加里宁格勒州立美术馆、伦敦帽子周,佛罗伦萨男装展、南京艺术学院美术馆和米兰世博会等地展出。2015年丁钰洁在意大利成立高级制帽品牌Yujied Hats。